Thanks for registering!

Thank you for registering to join us for our upcoming webinar on Tuesday November 13, 2:00-3:00pm ET.

You should receive a confirmation email shortly with detailed instructions for joining the webinar (also copied below). Please take a moment to add this event to your calendar.

We look forward to having you join us, and don’t forget to share this event on Facebook and Twitter!

Directions and Event Information

Please allow yourself 3-5 minutes before the webinar starts to get signed in and set up. To participate fully in the webinar, you will need a telephone and computer with internet access.

We highly encourage you to participate over the internet as our panelists will be joining via video conference, but if you don’t have access to a computer, you can use the audio-only conference line.

If you have trouble accessing the webinar, please contact our team at (202) 742-7386 or

Host: Voices for National Service
Date and Time: Tuesday, November 13, 2018 2:00 pm, ET
Event password: service

To join the online event:

1. Click here to join the online event.
Or copy and paste the following link to a browser:
2. Enter your name, email address, and event password: service
3. Click “Join Now.”
4. Once the meeting loads, an audio box will pop up with directions to call in from your telephone. Please be sure to enter your participant ID number, which will be listed in the audio box.

On the right hand panel, you will see a chat box for sharing question with the host. Use the chat box to contact the host, and we will pose your question to the panel during the question and answer session.

To join the audio conference only:

Conference Line: 1-650-479-3207
Access code: 669 443 812