In October 2015, Republican firm TargetPoint Consulting conducted a poll of registered voters across nine presidential battleground states. The poll found that voters across the political spectrum overwhelmingly support investing federal taxpayer dollars to support national service programs. 83% of voters want Congress either to maintain or increase federal spending on national service programs.
- Read the Executive Summary from TargetPoint Consulting.
- Read more in the full report here.
This research has been featured in the following outlets:
- The Hill, “Uniting a divided nation,” by By Former Govs. Jennifer Granholm and Dirk Kempthorne, 09/03/16
- The New Hampshire Union Leader, “Something we can all agree on,” by Fmr. Senator Judd Gregg and Fmr. Governor John Lynch, 12/08/15
- The Huffington Post, “Voters Speak: Protect National Service Funding,” by AnnMaura Connolly, 11/05/15
- The Wall Street Journal, “Poll: Americans Back Federal Spending on National Service Programs,” by Reid J. Epstein, 10/22/15