The House of Representatives passed H.R. 8406, the Heroes Act, a $2.2 trillion coronavirus relief and economic stimulus package that includes $350 million for the Corporation for National and Community Service. The legislation passed on a party line vote of 214 to 207 with support from House Democrats only. H.R. 8406 incorporates some of the funding and legislative flexibilities that were included in S. 3964, the CORPS Act and endorsed by Voices for National Service. The national service provisions in H.R. 8406 include:
Supplemental Appropriations
- $228M to make new and additional awards to new and existing AmeriCorps State and National grantees; funds may be used to provide adjustments to awards for which the CEO determines that a waiver of the Federal share limitation is warranted
- $26M for AmeriCorps VISTA
- $5M for AmeriCorps NCCC
- $14M for the National Service Trust Fund
- $35M for AmeriCorps Seniors (Senior Corps), not less than $23M of these funds shall be available for the Senior Companion program
- $9M for State Commission Administration Grants
- $12M for the Volunteer Generation Fund, which shall be awarded by CNCS on a competitive basis
- $21M for CNCS Salaries and Expenses
CNCS Legislative Flexibilities
- MATCH WAIVER.—From FY20-FY22, if a grantee is unable to meet its matching requirement due to COVID-19 funding constraints, the CEO may— (A) waive the matching requirement; and (B) increase the Federal share of the grant up to 100 percent.
- END-OF-SERVICE CASH STIPEND. — Amends H.R. 748, the CARES Act, to ensure that AmeriCorps VISTA members who’s service was disrupted by COVID-19 may receive the full value of their VISTA end-of-service cash stipend.
- SENIOR CORPS VOLUNTEER RECRUITMENT.— Changes age and income eligibility for Senior Corps members — (A) an individual age 45 years or older may enroll as a volunteer during the COVID–19 national emergency; and (B) for the Foster Grandparents and Senior Companion programs, eligible volunteers may not have an income that exceeds 400 percent of the poverty line for a single individual.
- NATIONAL SERVICE EXPANSION FEASIBILITY STUDY.— Requires CNCS tol conduct a study on the feasibility of expanding the national service programs to help communities recover from the economic and social impact of the COVID–19 national emergency and public health crisis.